Aspects of Algebraic Geometry

A small workshop in honour of Fabrizio Catanese on the occasion of his 75th birthday at Leibniz Universität Hannover held on March 21, 2025, organized by Raymond Cheng and Matthias Schütt.

This workshop is part of the Geometry Week in Hannover. Participants may also be interested in the workshops Algebraic Geometry in Hannover and Geometry of Arrangements taking place earlier in the week.



All talks will take place in room B302 in the main building of the Leibniz Universität Hannover.

March 21, 2025 Speaker
11:30 — 12:30
Keiji Oguiso: On the Kawaguchi–Silverman Conjecture for birational automorphisms of irregular varieties

We would like to discuss the main open parts of the Kawaguchi–Silverman Conjecture, asserting that for a birational self-map \(f\) of a smooth projective variety \(X\) defined over \(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}\), the arithmetic degree \(\alpha_f(x)\) exists and coincides with the first dynamical degree \(\delta_f\) for any closed point \(x \in X\) with a Zariski dense orbit. Among other results, we show that this holds when \(X\) has Kodaira dimension zero and irregularity \(q(X) \geq \dim X -1\) or \(X\) is an irregular threefold (modulo one possible exception). We discuss then the existence of Zariski dense orbits, with explicit examples. This talk is based on a joint work with Professors Jungkai Chen and Huesh-Yung Lin.

12:30 — 14:30 Lunch
14:30 — 15:30
Stefan Schreieder: Abelian varieties with no power isogenous to a Jacobian

For a curve of genus at least four which is either very general or very general hyperelliptic, we classify all ways in which a power of its Jacobian can be isogenous to a product of Jacobians of curves. We use this to show that for a very general principally polarized abelian variety of dimension at least four, or the intermediate Jacobian of a very general cubic threefold, no power is isogenous to a Jacobian of a curve. This confirms various cases of the Coleman–Oort conjecture and has some relation to the question whether cubic threefolds are stably irrational. Joint work with Olivier de Gaay Fortman.

16:00 — 17:00
Paola Frediani: Asymptotic directions in the moduli space of curves

I will report on joint work with E. Colombo and G.P. Pirola, where we study asymptotic directions in the tangent bundle of the moduli space of curves of genus \(g\), namely those tangent directions that are annihilated by the second fundamental form of the Torelli map. I will exhibit examples of asymptotic directions for any \(g \geq 4\). I will show that if the rank \(d\) of a tangent direction at \([C]\) (with respect to the infinitesimal deformation map) is less than the Clifford index of the curve \(C\), then the tangent direction is not asymptotic. Finally I will determine all asymptotic directions of rank \(1\) and give an almost complete description of asymptotic directions of rank \(2\).

17:15 — 18:15
Thomas Peternell Homeomorphisms versus biholomorphisms of compact manifolds

Given homeomorphic compact complex manifolds \(X\) and \(Y\), mostly projective, I will discuss in various cases when \(X\) and \(Y\) are actually biholomorphic. An application to a compactification problem will be given.


Please write to Raymond with your information if you are interested in attending.


We acknowledge and thank the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and the Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics for their generous support. This workshop is in association with RTG 2965 - From Geometry to Numbers: Moduli, Hodge Theory, Rational Points.